One-on-One Breathontology Programs
Private Breathontology programs are tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Foundational elements include breath work, yoga, and meditation. Depending on the length of the program diet awareness, self care support tools and body work will be touched on or recommended. A gentle cleanse to support your upliftment and purification can be added to any program.
The Tune-up
This program is recommended if you feel out of balance, low on energy, lacking clarity, or just wish to have a gentle initiation into the potency of Breanthontology. The focus of the Tune-up will be the daily practice of a 30 to 45 minute sequence designed to address any challenges, discomforts or instability that you are experiencing. After a detailed intake process and 30 minute assessment, you will then be assigned and taught a sequence tailored to your specific needs. The sequence is designed to be practiced for 40 days in order to uplift, cleanse and shift your being. Program includes 2 hours of private instruction, assignment and teaching of a Breanthontology sequence, and supporting written materials. $225 USD
The Total Reset
If you've recently gone through a crisis, are feeling depressed, have deeply distrubed sleeping patterns, or just aren't yourself, this program is for you. We will go through an in-depth intake process and a 1 hour assessment. Two Breanthontology sequences, morning and evening, will be assigned and taught for you to practice daily throughout the seven week program. We will meet weekly and additional tools for purification, nourishment, and stability will be taught to support your healing and upliftment. Program includes 7 hours of private instruction, weekly fine tuning of complementary lifestyle practice (such as diet, Ayurvedic self-care practices, and self awareness development) and supporting written materials. $490 USD
The Sleep Lab
This program will teach you techniques that support you in falling asleep and sleeping deeply. You will learn nourishing and nurturing Ayurvedic practices that will help your body prepare for sleep. At the heart of this program is a 20 to 30 minute nightly relaxation sequence, known as Yoga Nidra, that mathematically activates the parts of brain and body that induce sleep. Program includes 2 hours of private instruction, a recording of a yoga nidra sequence designed specifically for you and supporting written materials. $225 USD
Counseling Sessions
Individual counseling sessions offer you the opportunity to gain new perspectives on your greatest challenges. Our lives are perfectly designed to continuously provide us with opportunities to learn and grow. Radhgemd serves as a guide for you to understand and find the highest wisdom in what your life is placing in front of you. Your life wants you to know your infinity so it highlights those things that no longer serve you. This highlighting can be uncomfortable unless you are able to see and truly understand it through the right lens. Sessions are an hour in length and take place virtually via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or an old-fashioned phone call. $108 USD